About Me

Prior to June 2017, I 'thought' I was a disciplined saver but still had the belief that I was destined to work until at least 65 years old and then retire! 
I saved money, bought insurance plans, that's what we are supposed to do, no?!?!

Post June 2017, I'm a Singaporean man who is focused on achieving my financial freedom so that I can spend more time with my loved ones - I believe having my son in early 2017 sparked me into action! 

What happened in June 2017? I was talking to my friend and he introduced me to multiple finance blogs such as Financial Samurai, The Money Habbit etc, but the one that really hit a chord for me then was Mr. Money Mustache. Reading the blog changed my outlook on quite a number of things and now I'm really focused on doing what I thought impossible previously, by just making a few tweaks to my lifestyle and mindset. 

Right now, my main target is to be financially free by the year 2028 or latest 2033 (any later and it will just mean I screwed up somewhere along the journey). 2028 is a stretch goal however that's what I'm aiming towards, it will at least allow me to shift down a gear since I will likely have my  'F' U money and hey, everyone should aim for the stars right?

I try to live my life as frugally as possible in 'expensive' Singapore. Why the inverted commas? I believe that Singaporeans are in a much better position than people in most other countries as there are always alternatives available - I believe its all a matter of choices you make which determines whether you live with a high/low cost of living. Chai Png very expensive meh? If you cook its even cheaper (and healthier)! 

I want to teach my son (and future children) about money and avoid the mistakes I made thus I'm making use of this blog to store all the wonderful finance tips I come across in the Personal Finance space. I believe I also have lots to learn from this community  on the internet and hope I can contribute in the tiny way that I can if at all possible.  

Please note that I am not an expert and all posts here are just my personal thoughts and musings. 

I am certainly open and appreciative if any experts can give me tips though! 

I can be contacted at wifesayiniao@gmail.com if anyone is interested to ask me about anything, provide me advice or just chat. :) 

Thanks for dropping by! 

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